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2019-07-08 14:57:03


   The day after tomorrow电影《后天》英文影评

  predict that global warming will lead to a new ice age. He issues a warning at a New Delhi

  conference, but is sarcastically dismissed by the American vice president (Kenneth Welsh),

  who the movie doesn't even try to pretend doesn't look just like Dick Cheney. "Our economy

  is every bit as fragile as the environment," the vice president says, dismissing Jack's

  "sensational claims."

  Before long, however, it is snowing in India, and hailstones the side of softballs are

  ripping into Tokyo. Birds, which are always wise in matters of global disaster, fly south

  double-time. Turbulence tears airplanes from the sky. The president (Perry King) learns the

  FAA wants to ground all flights and asks the vice president, "What do you think we should


  Meanwhile, young Sam Hall (Jake Gyllenhaal) goes to New York with an academic decathlon

  team, which includes Laura (Emmy Rossum of "Mystic River") and Brian (Arjay Smith). They're

  stranded there. Ominous portents abound and Jack finally gets his message through to the

  administration ("This time," says a friend within the White House, "it will be different.

  You've got to brief the president directly.")

  Jack draws a slash across a map of the United States, and writes off everybody north of

  it. He issues a warning that super-cooled air will kill anybody exposed to it, advises

  those in its path to stay inside, and then ... well, then he sets off to walk from

  Washington to New York to get to his son. Two of his buddies, also veterans of Arctic

  treks, come along.

  We are wondering:


  The folks who actually like this movie are the reason Hollywood makes very few quality movies any more. If you don't care then why should they? This movie is so bad from the beginning. Numerous tornadoes pummeling a West Coast city and there are actually people flying in helicopters to get a closer look. That's a brainy idea. Buildings freezing and crumbling yet the people outside don't seem to be affected so much. The "walk" from Philadelphia to New York? And in record time no less. I do like the fact that they had the foresight to have Antarctic weather gear handy for just these occasions. What of the tent that was able to withstand the chill but not the Empire State building?

  Call your local Army Navy really need to stock these tents. I also found it amazing that any lines of communications were not really affected, including the under freezing water pay phone. The only ones who had communications losses were, of course, the main drama!! I know they were in a library but you think they could have possibly tried to burn all the wooden tables and chairs around them? Seems that they would burn warmer and for longer than books. The acting was horrific, the directing was terrible, the script was unbelievably bad and the special effects were anything but special. It certainly rates up there with Godzilla 2000 and actually makes Independence Day look like one of the all time greats!

  People always thought that probably as a human on the planet Earth is the most senior animal owners who dominate nature. Can be wanton destruction of the earth, nature mutilations. Also for the immediate interests of the greedy nature and the blood drained 、 the nature of the skin stripped 、 nature of the meat-eating. With the thought this will be what kind of consequences. Also claimed ignorance 、 elated to conquer nature. Sing really ridiculous. If another Ice Age in front of us, the humanity will be caught unprepared? Human nature can conquer? No, summer 2004 opening large - given us a loud and affirmative answer to the question. This terrible disaster films told us an irrefutable truth - always dominate the natural person. "Acquired" the film depicts the United States as a representative of the Earth within one day suddenly nose-dive into glacial science fiction stories. In the story, climate scientists Jack. Hall observed in the study pointed out that prehistoric climate, the greenhouse effect brought about by global warming could trigger an unprecedented global catastrophe. Mainly refer to the destruction of the beautiful human nature, but by the serious nature of the punishment. Lightning 、 、 hail storm 、 tornado 、 hurricane 、 、 floods caused by global warming, such as the melting of Antarctic ice disaster befall humans, before human consciousness to know repentance may have been too late. In an instant because of the disaster emerged, floods, in the eyes; hail, in the eyes; all in the eyes of force majeure. Entry into the Earth's greenhouse effect will glaciation. Tornado 、 earthquake tsunami 、……

  So you ask that the name will become a natural part of human life. In the film, you can see New York City inundated lens: the confusion of the crowd the air vehicle broken glass, followed by the floor, as high waves… you can see in the seaside holiday resort in Hawaii hit by the hurricane scene. This is the destruction of the natural consequences, and this is the punishment of mankind. For thousands of years, continually engulfed in the natural human body, should now enjoy nature of the pernicious consequences of brewing.

  《后天》观后感 在小的时候,我记得我们那里有一种长尾巴的鸟是特别的常见,/fanwen/同时我也是清楚的记得有一天我们发现地上有那种鸟的死鸟,一开始也没感到什么,不过后来那种鸟的死尸是越来越多了,也不记得到底经过了多少时间,反正是我们那里那种鸟已经是早一绝迹了。那时我们还小不知道那到底是什么原因,那时我也没有去想那是什么原因,但是随着自己的学历的增加,现在是知道了,那是因为环境污染所带来的问题。这只是是我身边的一个使我印象很深的事例,其实在我们的周围这样的事例还可能是很多的,并且那只是在我们那里我想在别的地方也不知道同样的事情发生了多少,但我们共所周知的也是我们常说的就是我们的河流的污染的问题,我想大家一定不会陌生吧。是的地球在改变,地球偷偷的在改变,地球偷偷~偷偷地~在改变~ 而今天我又看到了关于环境污染所带来的严重问题的影片《后天》,我有一次想起这个实在是令人不想看到的问题。

  《后天》描绘的是以美国为代表的地球各国,一天之内突然急剧降温,进入冰河期的科幻故事。影片讲述了当地球进入第二冰河时期时,全球气候急剧反常,大水淹没了纽约,日本天降罕见的冰雹,欧洲也在海水中不复存在,还有龙卷风、海啸、暴风雪……自然界中几乎所有的灾难都在影片里一一展现,让我们身临其境般地感受到大自然肆虐发威带来什么样的沉重打击和毁灭。当这场灾难来临,美国南部的居民纷纷举家逃往墨西哥,而北部的居民已来不及逃离剧烈的温降与死神迫近。当日本的天空落下了西瓜大的冰雹,行人惨死在冰林弹雨中,我们为之惊叹;当数股龙卷风袭入洛杉矶,楼房如图钉一样被拔去的时候,我们为之惊叫;当汹涌而来的海水淹没整座纽约城,一艘庞大的货轮若无其事悠闲的开进大街小巷,我们为之惊呼;当纽约变成南极的冰川,自由女神手中的火炬变成一只甜筒冰淇淋,我们的心里的感想是怎么样的呢?在《后天》一片中,人类面对的敌人是最具压倒性、最无可抵抗的大自然本身:龙卷风袭击美国洛杉矶、狂雪掩覆印度新德里、葡萄柚大小的冰雹重创日本东京,而纽约将在短短一天之内从炎热急速降为酷寒!在这部各界期待、充满特效的电影中,突如其来的气候改变将对全地球全人类造成难以想象的灾害…… 温室效应,全球变暖,这是人类越来越关心的问题。如果不立即采取措施解决这个问题,人类的明天就像影片的宣传词“where will you be?”一样发人深省。 根据资料显示,大陆冰雹,欧洲水灾、印度热浪、美国一天16次龙卷风等,大陆冰雹,欧洲水灾、印度热浪、美国一天16次龙卷风等,世界卫生组织研究指出,温室效应是地球气候异变的元凶。气候暖化使得两极融冰、海水增温、洋流改变,世卫组织表示每年将有16万人因温室效应外围影响丧生,2020年死亡人数更会加倍。海平面上升更造成2500万人远离家园,第三世界将因洪水、饥荒、干旱和农作物歉收大举移民,欧洲老年人将死于热浪。到2050年,125万种生物将会灭绝;美丽的自然景观将由于气温变暖而消失;由于气候变暖,各种疾病将在这个星球上大肆传播……


  不管是美国人还是中国人,不管是北半球还是南半球,不管是发达国家还是第三世界,不管是信奉上帝的西方人,还是虔诚的伊斯兰教穆斯林,都同属于一个世界,共同拥有一个地球,共同构成了完整的人类。整个人类应当拥有美好光明的未来。而那些灾难:气候变暖、战争阴影……,都应当随着人类文明的进步而一步步消退。 是的现在我们无视对环境的污染,因为对环境带来而恰恰能给某些人带来方便或着是利益,但对我们人类说那是会给我们带来严重的后果。环境的污染不近象影片只能感提到的那样给我们带来环境的恶化,它同时也给我们人类带来了一种我们在短时间内不好发现的我们身体的严重危害,环境污染对人体的危害主要有三个方面:(1)急性危害:污染物在短期内浓度很高,或者几种污染物联合进入人体可以对人体造成急性危害。(2)慢性危害:慢性危害主要指小剂量的污染物持续的作用于人体产生的危害。如大气污染对呼吸道慢性炎症发病率的影响等。(3) 远期危害:环境污染对人体的危害,一般是经过一段较长的潜伏期后才表现出来,如环境因素的致癌作用等。环境中致癌因素主要有物理、化学和生物学因素。物理因素,如放射线体外照射或吸入放射性物质引起的白血病、肺癌等,生物学因放,如热带性恶性淋巴瘤,已经证明是由吸血昆曳传播的一种病毒引素的。化学因素,根据动物实验证明,有致癌性的化学物质达1100余种。另外,污染物对遗传有很大影响。一切生物本身都具有遗传变异的特性,环境污染对人体遗传的危害,主要表现在致突变和致畸作用。今天我们享受着环境所带来的舒适生活;如果明天我们肆意的破坏环境,那么后天就是末日浩劫。 所以我们为了自己的明天能不象影片中所描述的那样,我们要善待自己,善待他人,善待生命,善待地球。


