



分值:100分 时间:90分钟

第I卷 选择题(共计 45 分)



( ) 1. Bill can play _____ violin but he can’t play _____ chess.

A. a, / B. the, the C. /, the D. the, /

( ) 2. They often help kids _____ dancing.

A.on B. with C. to D. at

( ) 3.It’s an English class. Please don’t _________ Chinese.

A. say B. talk C. tell D. speak

( ) 4. He can ____ Chinese kung fu.

A. do B. make C. have D. playx k b 1 . c o m

( ) 5.— ________ does your sister go to work?

—She takes the bus to go to work.

A. How B. What C. When D. Where

( ) 6. – Our school needs you ______ with sports for ______ students.

-- Yes, but only ____.

A. help; English-speaking B. to help ;English-speaking

C. help ;speaking English D. helping; speak English

( )7. There are lots of _______to do every day .

A. things B. homework C. news D. maths

( )8. When do you _______school in the morning and ______ home in the  afternoon ?

A. get to; get B go to;go to C. get;get to D.go;go to

( )9. I go home________5:30_______ the afternoon.

A.at;on B.at;in C.at ;at D.in;/

( )10.It is for me the piano, I like it very much.

A.difficult; play B.difficult; to play C.easy; to play D.easy; play



Tom White is a student in No.15 Middle School.He does a part_ time 11  because he needs some 12_.He works in a supermarket after_13__from Monday to  Friday and on Saturdays all_14__.He helps people look after their kids and he  stays with_15_kids.He thinks it is great__16__.After school,he _17_a bus to a  supermarket..He_18__there at about 4:30.He works_19__4:30 to 8:30.He _20__home  at 9:00.Tom likes his job very much.

( )11 . A. work B. job C. assistant D. class

( )12. A. money B. help C. thanks D. work

( )13. A. work B. call C. school D. hospital

( )14. A. day B. date C. time D. month

( )15. A. difficult B. different C. dangerous D. boring

( )16. A. fun B. boring C. smart D. funny

( )17. A. takes B. gets C.gives D.has

( )18. A. arrives in B. arrives at C. gets D. goes to

( )19. A. for B. from C. to D. with

( )20. A. goes to B. gets C. arrives at D.comes to

Ⅲ. 阅读理解(共15小题,计25分)



Zhang Peng is my friend. He is a boy from Shanghai. He likes music. He is  in their school rock band(摇滚乐队). He often plays the guitar on Sundays. He plays  it very well .

You can see lots of guitars in his bedroom. Now their school rock band  needs two good musicians. Can you play the piano, the trumpet, the violin? Then  you can join their band. You can Zhang Peng at 612-1251.You can also write to  him. His e-mail address is zhangpeng

( )21 .Zhang Peng isn’t from China.

( )22.He is good at playing the guitar.

( )23.He has a lot of guitars at home.

( )24. Zhang Peng’s school rock band needs three good musicians.

( )25.You can write to him,too if you want to join the band.

第二节 阅读B、C、D三部分内容,从各小题所给的四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的一个最佳答案。(共10小题,计20分)

I’m Li Mei and I study in No.2 Middle School. I live in my school on  weekdays . I only go home on weekends. I usually go home by bus . It takes  about half an hour. Some students go home by bike . We often have some activities  in our free time . Peter and Tom often play soccer .Kate and I often go to the  school library . Helen often does her homework in the classroom . What does  Sally like to do after school ? She likes to play the violin. We have dinner  at  about six o’clock . Then we go back to our classroom to study . At half  past nine , we usually go to bed . Our teachers are all very good . We are happy  in our school.

( ) 26. What does the underline word “weekdays” mean ?

A. 周末 B. 周末以外的几天 C. 星期日 D. 周

( ) 27. Whom does Kate often go with to the school library after school  ?

A. Li Mei B. Helen C. Sally D. Peter

( ) 28. What time do they usually go to bed ?

A.At 8:30 pm. B. At 8:30 am. C. At 9:30 pm. D. At 9:30 am.


Jenny gets up early in the morning. She has her breakfast and then goes to  school. She walks to the bus stop and takes a bus. She gets to school at about  half past seven. Jenny is never late for school. She likes her school and works  hard. Classes begin at 8:00. She has six classes every day. Jenny is good at all  her lessons, and she likes English best.Usually Jenny has lunch at school. She  goes home at five in the afternoon. Sometimes, she helps her friends with their  lessons. After supper she usually watches TV news. Then she does her homework.  She goes to bed at about 9:30. Jenny is a good girl.

( ) 29. Where does Jenny have her breakfast?

A. She has her breakfast at home.

B. She has her breakfast at school.

C.She has her breakfast on her way to school.

D.She has her breakfast on the bus.

( ) 30. How many hours is Jenny at school?

A. She is at school for seven hours.

B. She is at school for seven and a half hours.

C. She is at school for eight hours.

D. She is at school for nine and a half hours.

( )31. What does Jenny sometimes do after school?

A. She has supper with her classmates at school

B. She helps her friends with her lessons.

C. She does some shopping for her mother.

D. She goes home with his friends.


Tom and Mike are good friends. They are kind to children. They want to find  summer jobs. One day Tom tells Mike that Qinling Kids Summer Camp needs help  with sports, music and computers. They are both very glad to hear(听说) this.

Tom can play basketball and volleyball, and he can swim, too. Mike can play  the violin, the trumpet, the drums and the guitar. Tom and Mike like computers  very much. Can they join the Summer Camp?

( )32. Tom and Mike want to ________________.

A. help with sports, music and computers B. be good with children

C. join the Summer Camp D. get help from the Camp

( )33. What does the Summer Camp need help with?

A. Flying kites . B. Sports, music and computers.

C. Making cakes. D. Drawing pictures.

( )34. Mike can play ____________________.

A. the drums B. volleyball C. basketball D. football

( )35. What do Tom and Mike both like?

A. Football. B. Computers. C. Swimming. D.Sports.

第II卷 非选择题(共计55分)

IV. 根据所给汉语意思,用单词或短语完成下列英语句子。(共5小题,计10分)


Can your sister ________ ________ ______?


Mary wants _____ ______ ______ with you.


Mr. Green likes swimming because it________ _______ _______ his health  .


_______ ______does your sister usually_____ ______ ______ ?


He __________ ________ his homework on Saturday evening. Ⅴ. 短文填空.  用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确。(每个单词限用一次)(共10小题,计10分)。

    have  be get listen he  tooth play go brush  eat

Jim works very long hours.He always gets up at 17:00.He_41___his _42__and  takes a shower.Then he __43__breakfast.What a funny time__44__ breakfast!After  that he __45__his guitar,then he __46__to work. _47_to work, he takes the No.15  bus to a hotel.People love_48___to__49__.Can you think what his job_50___?

Ⅵ.任务型阅读 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,完成下列各题。(共5小题,计10分).

Dear Amy,

I’m happy to know that you are coming.

It’s Mother’s Day today.We want to buy some things for my mom.My sister  Lily and I go to a Chinese store today.We buy some Chinese food for my family  and a nice dress for my mom there.You say you can bring us some food from  Beijing.That’s great.

We can meet on May 12th,but my father can’t.He is very busy that day.He  says he can take us to a big dinner in the evening.

I’m happy that you can be here with us for two weeks.I’m in a sports club  now.And I can play soccer well.But I also want to join a chess club.So I want  you to teach me.


51.Is it Mother’s Day today?


52.What do Peter and Lily buy for their mom?


53.Why can’t their father meet Amy on May 12th


54.What is Peter good at?


55. Does he want to join the chess club?


Ⅶ.补全对话 (共10小题,计10分)




A:Hi,Lucy! 56?

B:Well,I live near my school, so I get up at a quarter to seven.I never go  to school late.

A:Do you have breakfast at home?

B:Yes , 57 .

A:When do you go to school?

B: 58 , so I go to school at seven forty-five.

A: 59 ?

B:I leave school at five past five and 60 .

B) 根据下面对话中的情境,在每个空白处填入一个适当的语句,使对话恢复完整。


B.Yes,I want to join our school club.


B.I want to join the music club.

63.A.May I_______________ _______?



B.I can sing and play the violin.


B.Yes ,it’s Lisa @126.com.

Ⅷ. 书面表达(共1小题,计15分)

请你为学校艺术节写一份  60个词左右的广告,内容要点如下:五月份快到了,学校将举办艺术节,艺术社团需要一些新成员来表演节目,要求他们能弹钢琴、弹吉它、拉小提琴、敲鼓、唱歌、跳舞。你的联系方式:电话联系:  87628288, 网址: sac @ 126.com.cn。

要求: 1. 参考提示语,并适当发挥;

2. 语句通顺,意思连贯,书写工整。

3. 文中不得出现真实姓名和地名;

Students Wanted for the School Art Festival







初一下册共10个单元,加上复习单元1个。全书采取任务型语言教学模式,融汇话题、交际功能和语言结构,形成了一套循序渐进的生活化的学习程序。每个单元都列出明确的语言目标,主要的功能项目与语法结构,需要掌握的基本词汇,并分为A、B两部分。A部分是基本的语言内容,B部分是知识的扩展和综合的语言运用。每个单元还有self check部分,供学生自我检测本单元所学的语言知识之用。它采用“语言的输入——学生的消化吸收——学生的语言输出”为主线编排的。通过确定language Goal,采用听、说、读、写,自我检测等手段,有效提高学习效率,体现了以学生为主体的思想。





1、单词过关 利用自习时间、早读时间,由科代表主持听写、默书。

2、词组过关 把学过的词组归纳,方便学生记忆。用词组造句和中译英训练。在各个教学班内进行竞赛。

3、句型过关 组织学生结对子,一有空就你问我答,营造学习氛围,同时加强笔头的练习,使学生能熟能生巧。

4、课文过关 把课文分段,按学习组为单位,进行朗读比赛,对学过的课文尽量做到人人会背,有些课文还要求学生会默写。


第一周:Unit 1

第二周:Unit 2

第三周:Unit 3


第五周:Unit 4

第六周:Unit 5

第七周:Unit 6


第九周:Unit 7

第十周:Unit 8


第十二周:Unit 9

第十三周:Unit 10


