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2020-07-06 14:29:44




1. 投之以桃,报之以李,教师节快乐。

Happy Teacher's Day is when you throw peaches in return for plums.

2. 祝我亲爱的老师,身体健康!永远快乐!

I wish my dear teacher good health! Happy forever!

3. 感谢您对我的教诲,祝老师节日快乐永葆青春!

Thank you for your teachings to me, and I wish my teacher a happy holiday and eternal youth!

4. 敬爱的老师,您的教诲如春风,似润雨,永铭我心。

Dear teacher, your teachings are like spring breeze, like rain, and will always be remembered in my heart.

5. 老师,您像那潺潺不息的河流,给我们永不止境地传授着知识。

Teacher, you are like the endless river, imparting knowledge to us endlessly.

6. 讲台小,爱飞扬,对您的祝福永流淌!老师,您辛苦了!

The podium is small, love flying, wishes for you will flow forever! Teacher, you have worked hard!

7. 正因您的执着,才有我们璀璨的明天!谢谢您,老师!

Because of your persistence, we have a bright tomorrow! Thank you, teacher!

8. 教师的加法是增加桥梁,教师的减法是减少荒凉。

Teachers'addition is to increase bridges, and teachers' subtraction is to reduce desolation.

9. 您是石阶,承受着我一步步踏实的向上的攀登。

You are a stone step, bearing my step by step steadily upward climbing.

10. 昔我来思,桃李累累;今我往矣,杨柳依依。

I used to think, peach and plum are tired; now I am, willow Yiyi.

11. 是您每天给我们浇水,您辛苦了,园丁!

It's you who water us every day. You're working hard, gardener!

12. 感谢你,祝福你,祝你健康平安快乐。

Thank you and wish you health, peace and happiness.

13. 老师就像蜡烛,燃烧自己,照亮别人。

Teachers are like candles, burning themselves and illuminating others.

14. 老师,您就是这希望与幸福的播种人!

Teacher, you are the seeder of hope and happiness!

15. 温柔的春雨,就是老师对我们的抚爱。

The gentle spring rain is the teacher's caress for us.

16. 老师,您是美的耕耘者,美的播种者。

Teacher, you are the cultivator and seeder of beauty.

17. 祝老师在新的一年里事业发达,工作顺利!

I wish the teacher a prosperous career and smooth work in the new year!

18. 世有伯乐,然后有千里马。谢谢您,我的老师。

There is Bole in the world, and then there is Qianli Ma. Thank you, my teacher.

19. 您的教诲催我风雨兼程,我的祝福伴您昼夜耕耘。

Your teachings urge me to go through both rain and wind. My best wishes accompany you to work day and night.

20. 老师像一把金钥匙,把无知的我们领进知识的宝库。

Teachers are like golden keys, which lead us into the Treasury of knowledge.

21. 你的教诲,总在我耳边回响,让我漫漫岁月里顺利坦然。

Your teachings always echo in my ears, making me smooth and calm in the long years.

22. 阳光普照,园丁心坎春意暖;雨露滋润,桃李枝头蓓蕾红。

The sun is shining, the gardener's heart is warm, the rain and dew are moist, and the peach and plum branches are red.

23. 教师节至,衷心祝福表达无限敬意。愿您节日快乐,永远安康!

The Teacher's Day is coming. I sincerely wish to express my infinite respect. May you have a happy holiday and always be healthy!

24. 多想再一次注视您园丁,崇高的称号,祝您桃李满天下,春晖遍四方。

Want to look at your gardener again, the noble title, wish you peach and plum all over the world, spring sunshine everywhere.

25. 愿欢快的歌声,时刻萦绕着您;愿欢乐年华,永远伴随您。祝您节日愉快。

May joyous songs linger around you all the time and happy years always accompany you. I wish you a happy holiday.

26. 感谢您的指引,感谢您的教诲,感谢您的关心,教师节到了,祝您节日快乐!

Thank you for your guidance, thank you for your teaching, thank you for your concern, Teacher's Day is coming, I wish you a happy holiday!

27. 愿所有的美好幸福与您相伴,让每一天都充满欢乐、收获和满足。感谢老师教诲。

May all the happiness accompany you and make every day full of joy, harvest and satisfaction. Thank you for your teaching.

28. 海水退潮的时候,把五彩的贝壳留在沙滩上。我们毕业的时候,把诚挚的祝愿献给老师。

When the tide ebbs, leave colorful shells on the beach. When we graduate, we offer our sincere wishes to our teachers.

29. 今天教师节,道一声:老师,谢谢您,您辛苦了!

Today's Teacher's Day, say: Thank you, teacher, you have worked hard!

30. 老师啊,您言传身教,育人有方,甘为人梯,令人难忘!

Teacher, you teach by example, educate people well and be willing to be a ladder. It's unforgettable!

31. 让我们从无知走向文明,从幼稚走向成熟。谢谢您,我敬爱的老师。

Let us move from ignorance to civilization, from childishness to maturity. Thank you, my dear teacher.

32. 没有您的慷慨奉献,哪有我收获的今天。十二万分地感谢您,敬爱的老师。

Without your generous dedication, where can I harvest today? Thank you very much, dear teacher.

33. 多想再一次注视您的目光,多想再一次倾听您的讲课,多想再一次紧握您的双手。

How much I want to look at you again, how much I want to listen to you again, how much I want to hold your hands again.

34. 真心祝愿老师,健体快乐,青春永驻!

Sincerely wish teachers, healthy and happy, eternal youth!

35. 敬爱的老师,百花沐浴阳光齐盛开,草儿喝水绿油油!

Dear teacher, flowers are in full bloom in the sunshine, grass drinks green water!

36. 老师的窗前,与大海相连。学子是海的浪花,老师就是浪的依恋。

The teacher's window is connected to the sea. Students are the waves of the sea, and teachers are the attachment of the waves.

37. 草儿冉冉出土,忘不了甜美的雨露,我们顺利成长,忘不了老师的谆谆教诲。

Grass unearthed slowly, can not forget the sweet rain, we grow up smoothly, can not forget the teacher's teachings.

38. 老师您好想一颗雨露,滋润了我们的心田;你好像一支蜡烛,照亮了我们前进的道路。

Teacher, how do you think of a rain and dew that moistens our hearts? You are like a candle that illuminates our way forward.

39. 老师,在这个美丽的节日里,衷心祝愿教师节快乐!

Teachers, in this beautiful festival, sincerely wish a happy Teachers'Day!

40. 你如同母亲一样保护我们,作为您的学子祝身体健康,一帆风顺!

You protect us like your mother. As your student, I wish you good health and smooth sailing.

41. 是您指引了人生的方向,是您的培育了无数的英才。谢谢您,我敬爱的老师。

It is you who guides the direction of life and nurtures countless talents. Thank you, my dear teacher.

42. 道不尽,恩师情,念念不忘记心中。

The Tao is endless, the teacher's affection, read not to forget in the heart.

43. 亲爱的老师,让我们向您道一声:老师,您辛苦了!

Dear teacher, let's say to you: Teacher, you have worked hard!

44. 您在学生的心目中,是真的种子,善的信使,美的旗帜。

In the eyes of students, you are the true seed, the good messenger and the flag of beauty.

45. 您给了我灿灿如金的生活真谛,经过岁月的磨洗,弥久而愈明。

You have given me the golden essence of life, after years of grinding, the longer and brighter.

46. 老师,我们诚挚的祝福,就像老树上的翠绿,浓浓密密,与岁月俱增!

Teacher, our sincere wishes, like the green old trees, dense, with the increase of years!

47. 老师您是伟大的,像一支蜡烛照亮别人燃烧自己。祝您节日快乐,保重身体。

Teacher, you are great, like a candle to light others and burn yourself. I wish you a happy holiday and take care of your health.

48. 一粒种,千滴汗,春播秋收,五谷丰登;万卷书,百回讲,谈古论今,桃李满园。

A seed, a thousand drops of sweat, spring sowing and autumn harvest, five grains, ten thousand volumes of books, a hundred chapters, talk about the past and the present, peach and plum garden.

49. 经历了风雨,才知道您的可贵;走上了成功,才知道您的伟大;谢谢您我尊敬的老师!

Only through the storms, can we know your value; only after success, can we know your greatness; Thank you, my respected teacher!

50. 愿我的老师永远健康平安,天天开心!

May my teacher always be healthy and safe, happy every day!

51. 多想再一次注视您的目光,多想再一次倾听您的讲课,衷心道声谢谢,用我所有的真诚。

I would like to look at your eyes again, and listen to your lecture again. Thank you sincerely, with all my sincerity.

52. 请接受我们真诚的祝福,愿你们身体健康,永远幸福。

Please accept our sincere wishes for your health and happiness forever.

53. 您是蜡烛,燃烧自己照亮我们。

You are a candle, burning yourself to illuminate us.

54. 您的每一滴汗水,都是智慧的结晶;您的每一次谆谆教诲,都是我们成长的见证。

Every drop of your sweat is the crystallization of wisdom; every time you teach, is the witness of our growth.

55. 祝老师桃李满天下,心好,一切都好。

I wish my teacher Peach and plum all over the world, good heart, everything is fine.

56. 感谢您的关怀,感谢您的帮助,感谢您为我所做的一切。

Thank you for your concern, for your help, and for all you have done for me.

57. 祝老师在新的一年里事业发达,工作顺利!

I wish the teacher a prosperous career and smooth work in the new year!

58. 没有您的慷慨奉献,哪有我收获的今天。十二万分地感谢您,敬爱的老师。

Without your generous dedication, where can I harvest today? Thank you very much, dear teacher.

59. 天涯海角有尽处,只有师恩无穷,感谢你老师。

There are many places in the world, only teachers and kindness are infinite. Thank you, teacher.

60. 当你青丝变白发,你的桃李已满天下。亲爱的老师,向你道声辛苦了!

When your hair turns white, your peaches and plums are all over the world. Dear teacher, say hard to you!

61. 不管我将来人生的路将是怎样,我都会永远爱您,老师!

No matter what the way of my future life will be, I will always love you, teacher!

62. 感谢您为我们所做的一切。

Thank you for all you have done for us.

63. 老师,您是辛勤的园丁,培育了我们这些种子,使我们生根发芽,茁壮成长!

Teacher, you are a diligent gardener, cultivating our seeds, so that we can take root and germinate, and thrive!

64. 您用生命的火炬照亮了我前进的道路,我要衷心对您说一声:谢谢您,老师。

You have illuminated my way forward with the torch of life. I want to say to you heartily: Thank you, teacher.

65. 一路上有您的教导、才不会迷失方向;一路上有您的关注、才更加的自信勇敢…老师、谢谢您!

On the way, you will not lose your direction. On the way, you will pay attention and be more confident and brave. Thank you, teacher!

66. 您日夜不停的帮助我们,照料我们,您辛苦了!

You have worked hard to help us and take care of us day and night.

67. 亲爱的老师,虽然我不常去看您,可是每当想到您,我的心头都会掠过一丝温暖。

Dear teacher, although I don't visit you very often, when I think of you, I feel a little warm in my heart.

68. 老师,在你的绿色的爱下,我们成长。走到天涯海角,我们永远谢谢你绿色的爱!

Teacher, in your green love, we grow up. To the ends of the world, we will always thank you for your green love!

69. 敬爱的老师,您的教诲如春风,似瑞雨,永铭我心我虔诚地祝福您:安康,如意!

Dear teacher, your teachings are like the spring breeze and the rain. I sincerely wish you well-being and good luck.

70. 希望今天,所有的老师都会从心里微笑,为了桃李满天下!只要老师快乐,我们就快乐!

Hope that today, all teachers will smile from their hearts, for the sake of peach and plum all over the world! As long as the teacher is happy, we will be happy!

71. 感谢一路有您,祝您一生安康!

Thank you all the way, I wish you a healthy life!

72. 感谢恩师来栽培,桃李花开满园馨。

Thank you for your teacher's cultivation. Peach and plum blossoms are blooming all over the garden.

73. 天涯海角有尽处,只有师恩无穷期。感谢您,老师!

There are endless places in the world, only the infinite period of Shi En. Thank you, teacher!

74. 生命如歌,桃李芬芳。生命如歌,是您种下了那些音符,是您用辛勤的汗水教育了我们。

Life is like a song, peach and plum are fragrant. Life is like a song, it is you who planted those notes, it is you who educated us with hard sweat.

75. 老师,您像一轮明月,时时照亮着我前进。

Teacher, you are like a bright moon, always illuminating me forward.

76. 一天为师,终生为父。以前,现在,将来你永远是我的老师。

One day as a teacher, life as a father. In the past, now and in the future, you will always be my teacher.

77. 谢谢您,老师。没有您无私的奉献,就不会有我们今天的成功。

Thank you, teacher. Without your selfless dedication, we would not have succeeded today.

78. 我们喜欢您做我们的老师,我们尊敬您、感激您。

We like you to be our teacher. We respect and appreciate you.

79. 老师,您给我的太多太多,而我只能用优秀的成绩来回报你!

Teacher, you have given me too much, and I can only repay you with excellent results.

80. 老师,我赞美你您,赞美您对我们的挚爱,赞美你道德高尚的师德。

Teacher, I praise you, praise your devotion to us, and praise your virtuous moral character.


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