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2022-12-23 19:23:55




good morning everybody.

it is true that most of us value honesty highly. however, nowadays we often confront confidence crisis such as cheating, overcharging, fake commodities and so on. i think that we should be honest because being honest is not only beneficial to ourselves but also to others and the whole society. the reasons can be listed as follows.firstly, only honest people can be truly respected by the others and can make more friends over a long period of time.

secondly, honesty, which is the traditional virtue of the chinese people, can make our life easier and more harmonious. thirdly, honesty can make our society more stable. a case in point is that singapore, a society featuring trustworthiness and integrity, has a comparatively low criminal rate.

responsbility can be understood in many ways. for the parents , they have had the responsibility for caring for and fostering their children since the birth of their baby.for teachers,both in kindergartens and colleges,they also should be responsible for the study and life of their students,that is to say,teahers are the second parents of children somewhile.

for us,as a friend of others,it is our responsibility to help our friends when they are in trouble or faced with difficulties. each one has the different responsibily based on their roles but we must take it for granted that we are responsible for the society.

that is all ,thank you .


Once upon a time, a weenie ant was walking on his way. As he was walking, suddenly he felt the ground shaking terribly. He looked around with his paranoid eyes and saw an elephant walking right behind him. Quickly, the little ant covered himself with dirt, but one leg was unfortunately left out. A sparrow saw everything, so she flew down with the purpose of teasing the ant: “Hey, chicken! Watch out your leg, it’s out!” The ant felt embarrassed at first but then calmly responded: “ Shi…I am going to trip that elephant.”

From all that I’ve been through I’ve learned that a good future is based on a forgotten past, if I want my life to go on well I have to let go of my past failure. So today, with out fear, I am tripping my elephant again.


The environmental protection is the most major problem which in the modern life the humanity faces. must solve this problem must start from foundation. first, must massively propagandize, enhances people's consciousness with understanding, strengthens the environmental protection consciousness.

next, must carry on waste recovery use, reduces to forest-tree's felling. also must strengthen to white pollution processing, little uses the plastic product. finally, must make improvement to clean aspect. causes the city's appearance to be neater.

for earth's tomorrow, we must start from the now diligently, will want the well local constable to protect the environment. to this us proposes as follows suggests: implementation trash classification packed in bags. like this not only can reduce the environmental sanitation worker's work load, but also can even better basically arrive makes use of waste, to reduce the pollution, saves the resources.


Nowadays,with more and more serious problem such as the global increasing temperture,the melting ice and the rising sea-levering,people are recognizing the important of developing the low-carbon economic now.

There are many ways we can do to reach the loe-carbon economic.Fristly,discovering others fuels which is more clean and more green to instead of the using of carbon.Secondly, we should have the save-energy conscious and do something which we can make,for instance,using the bus ranther than car when you go out,re-use the thing that can be recycle used,reducing the use of plastic bags.Last but not least,we should plant more trees or other greenplants,in which way we can not only improve the environment,but also can make our home more beauty.

In my opnion, the most important thing to reach the low-carbon economic is everyone must try their best do what they can do for it.Once everyone have the sence of low-carbon economic and have the action by themselves ,it will be earlier to reach it.


Who was the most well-known figure in China last month? It’s Ma JiaJue—the college student who murdered 4 of his roommates. Many people attributed his crime to his poverty and deficient education. In my opinion, his crime also has much to do with his classmates’ indifference.

Indifference is a terrible disease in today’s colleges and the whole society. It’s not rare that two students who have studied together for 4 years have never spoken to each other. It’s not rare that a student who has been absent from class for several days is not noticed at all. It’s also not rare that a student who has severe psychological problems is not cared about at all.

Some people may say ‘What the students with psychological problems like Ma JiaJue need is not care but psychotherapy.” However, when people are ill, what they need most is not only medical treatment, but also care from people around them. Every smile and every caring word will bring sunshine to their life.

I once heard one of my roommates who was an introverted girl sobbing at mid-night. Being afraid of disturbing her, I sent a text message to comfort her. The next day, she told me that she was crying for not being invited to one of her friend’s birthday party. She thought she was neglected by others. But my message was really comforting which told her someone still cared about her.

What can we do to prevent the tragedy of Ma JiaJue from happening again? Some people may say ‘Let’s open more psychological courses in schools.’ and other people may say ‘Let’s donate more money for the poor students.’ But I’ll say “My fellow student, let’s give more love and care to our roommates, our classmates and every person around us!”













