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小学生英语日记大全Little goldfish小金鱼

2016-04-05 19:48:08

  Each children have their own favorite cute little animals, and all of them as their good friends, let us look at the children raised by the cute little animal.


  Little goldfish   小金鱼

  Last Saturday, my mother went to Ruian to bring me four small goldfish, a black, a white, and two days of red. I gave them all names, black is called "invisible" because to feed it, it is always the bottom of the fish tank can not see eat. The white one is called "little smart", because it is the best time to feed the food, it is the most intelligent, grab the fastest. A red with black spot of the goldfish called "do not know", because you can not think of what the name is called, it took a "do not know"". There is a body is red, but the tail is white, and I named it "the red and white stone".


  However, poor little fish not today on the death of the three, and now only the one called "white stone" small goldfish, I'm sorry, I must take to raise a small goldfish, I hope it won't leave me.



