beauty of West Lake 西湖美景
From ancient to modern times, people referred to Hangzhou and West Lake, often put it together.
Su's famous "desire the West than the west, weak makeup thick affordable" to make people attracted to the West Lake in Hangzhou involuntarily.
Visitors have come to Hangzhou to enjoy the beauty of West Lake. Tourists walk on the edge of the West Lake lake, the wind blows cool and moist in the face of refreshing. The soft branches of the willows hang in the trees, with the breeze. Hope to see, is a quiet lake scenery, like a beautiful picture, it came to the land of idyllic beauty.
West Lake is the most beautiful time in the evening. Sunset dragging a long golden skirt, rippling in the West Lake slightly wavy, looking at the West Lake, around the bridge connected, distant mountains, ancient pagodas have also come to the West Lake guest, is really beautiful lakes and mountains,. I have a lot of West Lake, noticed the color of the West Lake is very changeable: in the back to sun, greenish blue lake, color without boundary, seamless rendering; and in the face of the sun, the lake became a rosy a pool. West Lake on a sunny day, Hutian color; on a cloudy day, huse Mengmeng; on a rainy day, Shuiguang prettily and Yan; in the moonlight, looks like a mirror.
西湖最美的时候还是在黄昏时分。 夕阳拖着长长的金黄裙子,荡漾在西湖微微的波浪中,放眼西湖,四周桥桥相连,远处的高山、古塔也纷纷来到西湖做客,真是湖光山色、美不胜收。我来过很多次西湖,注意到了西湖的颜色很是多变:在背对太阳时,湖水蓝中泛绿,颜色中却没有边界,被渲染得天衣无缝;而在面对太阳时,湖水便变成了一片玫瑰色的一池水。西湖的水在晴天,湖天一色;在阴天,湖色朦朦;在雨天,水光潋滟;在月色下,更宛如明镜。
Ah, beautiful West Lake, Hangzhou, brilliant pearl! Hangzhou, you are worthy of an earthly paradise!