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2018-04-25 16:35:13



  1. 而现在有一部分人没有积极的梦想,不断地浮于名利,用财权来填补内心的空虚,任由自己坠入罪恶的深渊。如果他们有一个澄澈的梦想,也不至于浪费这一生。

  2. 你追不到太阳,不代表阳光没照在你身上;梦想是路上的光,不一定要得在手上。

  3. 伟大的梦想只有经过忘我的斗争和牺牲才能胜利地实现。——乔万尼奥里

  4. 没有梦想,即没有某种美好的愿望,也就永远不会有美好的现实。——陀思妥耶夫斯基

  5. 我们曾经为欢乐而斗争,我们将要为欢乐而死。因此,悲哀永远不要同我们的名字联在一起。——伏契克

  6. 整个的生命是日子的问题。只有那该死的梦想家才会把自己放在虚无缥渺间,而不去抓住眼前飞逝的光阴。——罗曼·罗兰

  7. 人生就是生活的过程。哪能没有风没有雨?正是因为有了风雨的洗礼才能看见斑斓的彩虹;有了失败的痛苦才会尝到成功的喜悦。

  8. 善待自己,不被别人左右,也不去左右别人,自信优雅。

  9. 如果失去梦想,人类将会怎样?

  10. 要用你的梦想引领你的一生,要用感恩、真诚、助人圆梦的心态引领你的一生,要用执著、无惧、乐观的态度来引领你的人生。——李开复

  11. 哪怕是最没有希望的事情,只要有一个勇敢者去坚持做,到最后就会拥有希望。

  12. 人有了物质才能生存,人有了梦想才谈得上生活。你要了解生存与生活的不同吗?动物生存,而人则生活。——佚名

  13. 每天只看目标,别老想障碍。

  14. 人的理想志向往往和他的能力成正比。——约翰逊

  15. 呵,青年人理想多么崇高,立志追求真理,无论是生还是死,呵!莫回首,莫泄气。——罗·布里奇斯

  16. 智慧是无限的,但是它与骄傲绝不可能并存。

  17. 梦想无论怎么模糊,它总潜伏在我们心底,使我们的心境永远得不到宁静,直到梦想成为事实。

  18. 要成功,不要与马赛跑,要骑在马上,马上成功。



  Bravely accept the challenge, and constantly go beyond the self, so as to send out your unlimited potential.


  Do not sow the spring, the summer does not grow, the fall will not be harvested, winter can not taste.


  As long as the dream can be lasting, will be able to become a reality. We are not living in the dream of it?


  Although the beginning is a dream, but as long as keep doing, do not easily give up, the dream can come true.


  If a man does not know which port he is going to, then no wind will be the wind.


  The whole significance of life lies in the endless exploration of what is yet to be known.


  The furthest distance in the world is not the remotest corners of the globe, but encounter but no dependence.


  Steed leap, not ten steps; jade riding, diligence redeems stupidity; carve but give up, the wood is not folded; perseverance, can engrave stone.


  In fact, which boys and girls didn't do too insistent, remove moutains dream ah, but in the face of life, a lot of people slowly give up the dream of my childhood, so reduced them to lose your dreams; and some people, no matter how hard life, never give up the dream, so they become eternal youth dreams and maintain the passion and struggle of the people, can change the world, to create the future.


  Many people have learned to accept a waiver to pursue the dream of life, only the status quo. But sometimes we least expect it, we again hear the distant call: calling for a full, have goals, have passion, meaningful life. This call will always linger in my ear, lurking, even if we try to reason and maturity to silence, there will eventually be found it is our bones of a flame never extinguished.


  Human life is like this, the first life into a scientific dream, and then the dream into a reality.


  Dream never is a dream, the difference between the two usually have a very worth the people thinking and looking forward to the distance, will know how to dream, once put into action will become holy, of course hard during this period and sweat is essential, a career pursuit, may wish to dream again for higher, although the beginning is a dream, but as long as it does not stop the exploration, do not give up easily, dreams can come true.


  1. 国亡身殒今何有,只留离骚在世间。——张耒《和端午》

  2. 人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青——宋。文天祥<<过零丁洋>>

  3. 故园目断伤心切。——向子諲《秦楼月·芳菲歇》

  4. 拂拭腰间,吹毛剑在,不斩楼兰心不平。——刘过《沁园春·张路分秋阅》

  5. 更惊起南阳卧龙,便成名八阵图中。——阿鲁威《蟾宫曲·问人间谁是英雄》

  6. 长恨此身非我有,何时忘却营营。——苏轼《临江仙·夜饮东坡醒复醉》

  7. 不要人夸颜色好,只留清气满乾坤——元。王冕<<墨梅>>

  8. 趁建瓴一举,并收鳌极。——史达祖《满江红·九月二十一日出京怀古》

  9. 中心愿,平虏保民安国。 __宋江《满江红·喜遇重阳》

  10. 我欲穿花寻路,直入白云深处,浩气展虹霓。 __黄庭坚《水调歌头·游览》

  11. 种竹淇园远致君,生平孤节负辛勤。 __王汝舟《咏归堂隐鳞洞》

  12. 何时诏此金钱会,暂醉佳人锦瑟旁。 __杜甫《曲江对雨》

  13. 清谈可以饱,梦想接无由。 __韩愈《洞庭湖阻风赠张十一署·时自阳山徙掾江陵》

  14. 泥落画梁空,梦想青春语。 __吴文英《生查子·秋社》


