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up to是什么意思 up to的用法有哪些

2016-04-06 18:41:46

  up to

  up to直到……,至多......

  be up to=be busy doing忙于

  it’s up to sb.todo sth 由某人负责做某事

  be up to =be fit for胜任(常用否定句和疑问句)

  Up to four people can live in the room. 这间房里最多能住四个人。

  What are you up to?你在忙什么?

  It's up to us to help those in need.我们有责任帮助那些有困难的人

  What are these naughty boys up to?这些淘气的孩子们在干什么?

  It's up to me to get the four of us moving.由我来负责我们四个人的行动


  up to now 直到现在

  up-to-date 现代的;包含最新信息的


